Hello ! My, my how time has simply flown by and I have not updated my blog. How tardy of me. Well, I have been a busy little bumbler. I have finished what I can only describe as a blanket of epic proportions. This is MY blanket, that's right, it is all mine, mine, mine ! But of course I am sharing this with you lovely, lovely people. It was a real pleasure making this blanket. I will get to the tutorial soon but for now here is the finished piece.

I do hope you like my blanket. I started this blanket on the 24th of March 2011 and finished on the 3rd August 2011. I have joined 188 flowers. I used regular DK yarn in an array of colours. I hope to blog again and explain the process and work that went in to this blanket.
This has been my biggest crochet project to date. I thank you all for taking the time to read about my crochet adventure. x